Economist ⋅ Researcher ⋅ Analyst

Stefanos Stavrianos is a PhD Candidate in Computational Finance at the Dep. of Management Science and Technology, University of Patras.

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My name is Stefanos Stavrianos. I have successfully completed my Integrated Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics at the Agricultural University of Athens. Additionally, I have been accepted into the Joint Postgraduate Program of the University of Neapolis Paphos and the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Data Analysis and Financial Technology. Currently, I am a PhD Candidate in Computational Finance at the University of Patras. 

I received the Specialization in Quantitative Finance from the National Research University of Moscow. In addition, I have recently obtained the Specialization in Python 3 Programming from the the University of Michigan, and the Specialization in Econometrics for Economists and Finance Practitioners from the Queen Mary University of London.

Furthermore, I have attended courses at top global universities, such as Yale University, Stanford University, University of British Columbia, National Research University of Moscow, Queen Mary University of London, California Institute of Technology, University of the Aegean, and Athens University of Economics and Business. Here can read my full CV.

My research interests focus on the fields of economic theory, trading strategies, quantitative finance, risk management, data analysis and econometrics. In my free time, I enjoy cycling, photography, and playing Go.